Monday, January 4, 2010


After our nice quiet Thanksgiving, we had a nice loud Christmas. It was great to see my (Jesse's) mother and two of my sisters and both of my nieces again. We had hundreds of presents to open which took all day (we had to take breaks to eat). The day after Christmas, we went snowboarding at Anthony Lakes (well, Debora and the kids and I went sledding in our new sleds - my sisters and nieces skied and snowboarded). At the sledding hill, there were lots of people. Some had campfires and hot chocolate (like they were having a tailgate party). I took turns riding down the hill with my kids (and my wife). I sent Othniel down by himself a few times. Then Debora took Esperance half way up the hill and let her go and she went flying down the hill and launched over the snowbank into the parking lot (she caught some good air). Fortunately there was a man there to catch her and like a pro, she didn't even fall off (she did say that next time she wanted to go a little slower).

A few days before Christmas, I got offered a job with DHS (Oregon State Department of Human Services) as a Human Services Specialist Eligibility Worker for Seniors and People with Disabilities (quite the title if I do say so myself). It is only half time, so it works well with my other half time job. I started right after Christmas and haven't done anything yet. I am still being trained how to use the computer systems.

I have also learned that I am not a very good blogger. My sister has at least one entry per week on her blog and I am barely getting one entry per month in.

Photos: Family Portrait, Kids in their new nightgowns and nightshirts (home made by a friend), Debora with our new puppy (Chester), Othniel sledding, kids with Christmas tree

1 comment:

  1. Too funny, Jesse! This blogging stuff takes a lot of time. Maybe Debora can write entries sometimes? Regardless, I love your once-a-month updates. :)
